Notas detalladas sobre sci-fi

The city of Columbia is much more explorable than the diferente BioShock’s underwater city of Rapture. With an excellent story to breathe life into the atmosphere and music that is sure to wring a few tears out of even the toughest, this game will draw you in

Leslie Nielsen plays the commander of the Earth ship C-57D, a sort of proto-Captain Kirk in what is in many ways a nascent version of the Star Trek scenario (Gene Roddenberry would acknowledge his debt to this film in the years after that franchise's success).

Stories are all about asking life's questions — questions about humanity, life, and the world around us. And science fiction is the story genre that asks the biggest questions in life. You know, the kinds of questions that wake you up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, gasping for air, and for answers.

Jake Sully lives with his newfound family formed on the extrasolar moon Pandora. Once a deudo threat returns to finish what was previously started, Jake must work with Neytiri and the army of the Na'vi race to protect their home.

, China’s highest-grossing science-fiction film ever, in which the tale is told of a Universal catastrophe that brings nations together in an effort to save humanity.

An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis.

A definitive character in the Warcraft series from Warcraft III and above, it’s safe to say that Jaina has had enough time to...

In Militar, there are certain topics, themes, and plots that frequently appear in many science fiction stories. These include but are not limited to:

You Gozque also take a look at our list of the best sci-fi movies on Netflix for a more recent selection or check pasado the biggest upcoming sci-fi movies in 2024.

A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "Positivo" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.

by Octavia Butler. Butler’s many novels cross genre lines and are among the works that pioneered what came to be known Ganador Afrofuturism

The universe in Starbound is procedurally generated, meaning you’ll get a new experience each time you play through the game

A group of elite warriors parachute into an unfamiliar jungle and are hunted by members of a merciless alien race.

Ripley returns to LV-426, the planet where she first encountered the alien, to discover that it's now home to a shake-n-bake colony of families and workers, which is basically ringing the dinner bell for the xenomorphs to prove that, in space, everyone Chucho hear you scream if you die loudly enough. Our heroine joins an elite group of Colonial Marines sent to the surface, and they quickly find that neither flame throwers nor machine gunnery are a match for things that bleed acid and sweat slime.

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